
At Beyond Sunday we are working to take our faith beyond Sunday mornings.

Check back every Monday for our new episodes!

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Episode 317 - Let's Talk: Searching for Conversation in an Age of Disagreement

Our world is flooded with difficult topics. More and more it seems that we don’t have the ability or even the desire to talk about these topics when there is the possibility that someone may disagree. As people of faith, how do we lean into difficult discussions even when disagreement looms?

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Episode 316 - Dear God: What Should Prayer Look Like?

We all know prayer is important. Many of us probably even pray on a regular basis. But is there a wrong way to pray? This week, Patrick and Pastor David talk all about prayer and explore the ways that it has more to do with transforming us than it does with getting a wish list fulfilled.

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Episode 314: What's the Bible Say About Immigration?

We’re within a month of the next presidential election and according to some polls “immigration” is one of the most important issues to voters. But if we throw out all the political rhetoric, what does the Bible actually have to say about immigration or immigrants themselves? We’re back in the Bible as we start a new month and we hope you’ll enjoy this important conversation!

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Episode 313 - Church Hurt: How Do We Help When We Are The Problem?

We know the Church is full of imperfect people. Sometimes, these people cause harm and pain to others with in and beyond the Church. When this happens, we call it Church Hurt. Today, the Beyond Sunday Team is wondering how the Church can care for people when the Church is the reason they are hurting.

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Episode 312 - Faith with an Open Hand: Christianity in a Pluralistic Society

In many parts of our day-to-day life we are likely to encounter people whose beliefs are different from our own. Those may be political, economic, medical, or even religious. Unsurprisingly, many would tell us that when confronted with something that appears different or challenging we should take a posture of closing our fists - clinging to our own views and rejecting any offering from the other. But what if we opened our hands in a posture of receiving and offering? What if we engaged in a pluralistic culture rather than withdrawing and defending? This week, the Beyond Sunday team asks this very question and starts looking for an understanding of how Christians can exist in our pluralistic world.

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Episode 311 - Is There a Political Party of Biblical Values?

Election season is upon us and the Beyond Sunday team wants to know: Is there a Political Party of Biblical Values? Both major parties seem to claim this in some regard, but is any of it true? Is there one sure way that Christians should be voting this fall? Join the team as they prepare for the weeks ahead and think about how Christians are called to engage in the political world.

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Episode 310 - Slander: When and How Christians Should Respond

It never feels good when you learn that someone has been spreading false rumors about you. It can damage relationships, reputations, even our ability to participate in community life. As followers of Jesus, how should we respond? Fight fire with fire? Burry our heads in the sand? That’s what the Beyond Sunday Team is tackling on this week’s episode.

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Episode 309: What's the Bible Say About Poverty?

“You will always have the poor with you.” These words of Jesus have been used by Christians to ignore and even blame people experiencing poverty for their circumstances. But is that what Jesus meant? And when we zoom out, what does the Bible tell us about how to treat people in poverty and our responsibility to one another? Join the Beyond Sunday Team as they they try to answer the question “What does the Bible say about poverty?

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Episode 308 - Curious Faith: Can Curiosity Strengthen Our Faith?

When we’re young, we are curious about everything. As we get older, we often lose touch with this part of ourselves. And, in some cases, religious institutions try to squash it out of us asserting that “faith” lies in certainty and facts, not questions. But can curiosity benefit our faith and even help us grow? That’s the question that the Beyond Sunday Team is tackling on this week’s episode.

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Episode 307 - Religion v. Spirituality: Are Men and Women that Different?

This week, the Beyond Sunday Team is back together and tackling a new question: Are women more spiritual and men more religious? The team will get into the different ways we encounter faith and try to determine what, if any, impact our gender may have on our experience.

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Episode 306: What's the Bible Say About Being The Death Penalty?

The Bible isn’t clear about a lot of things, but one thing is certain: murder is always bad. Right? What if the murder is carried out as a punishment for a crime? Well, maybe the Bible isn’t quite as clear on this either. This week, Patrick and Pastor David are taking on the Death Penalty and sifting through what the Bible has to say about it.

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Episode 305 - How Dare You!: The Olympics, Faith, and When to be Offended

Well, the Paris Summer Olympics are in full swing and they started off with an opening ceremonies that gave some the impression that Christianity was being attacked. In the days that followed, Christians across social media took sides to either berate or defend the ceremonies. This week, Beyond Sunday is looking back at what happened and asking a slightly different question, “How should Christians respond when we feel offended?”

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Episode 304 - Conformity: Everybody's Doing It

Is the goal of Christianity to make us all conform to one another? The Beyond Sunday Team isn’t sure it’s that simple. This week, we’re exploring what it means to be “united in Christ” while still being unique creatures of God. Join us in the conversation and let us know what you think!

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Episode 303 - Toxic Positivity: Not a Superpower

The team is back and it has been a week! We’re covering our recovery from Hurricane Beryl, an attempted assassination, and, our main story, Toxic Positivity. What happens when “think positive” becomes the only option? Where does our faith make room for grief, sadness, and lament? Join Beyond Sunday to find out.

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Episode 302: Hurricane Beryl Update

No episode this week because Hurricane Beryl rolled through our area and left it’s mark with downed trees and extensive power outages. We’ll see you next week.

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Episode 301: Spiritual Manipulation

We take a look at Spiritual Manipulation and try to spot some signs of in in churches. We’ll also break down what makes a healthy church and ways to avoid communities that manipulate their congregations. Plus can you buy a home in heaven now? and what are the must haves in your heavenly home.

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Episode 300: What's the Bible Say About Being A Christian Nation?

Recently, the State of Louisiana passed a law requiring the 10 Commandments to be posted in every public classroom. Now, it’s the beginning of July and that means that fireworks and patriotic displays are right around the corner. These events left the Beyond Sunday Team wondering, “What’s the Bible say about being a Christian Nation?” Join us as we wrestle with the Biblical story and our call to live out our faith in the world we live in.

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Episode 299 - Double Life: Are you more yourself online?

A recent study shows that younger generations are more likely to feel like they live a double life online. But here’s the twist: they are more authentically themselves in the digital world than in the real one. What does this mean for how we engage in faith? Or how we engage in relationships with one another? Beyond Sunday is asking all these questions and more on this week’s episode.

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Episode 298 - Me, Myself, and I: Who is worship really for?

Who is supposed to benefit from “worship”? Is it you? Your neighbor? Something else? Every week millions of Christians gather in communities of all shapes and sizes to worship in the name of Jesus and many of them have a wildly different explanation for the purpose of worship. But don’t worry, the Beyond Sunday Team is on the case!

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