Episode 24 - Sex and Faith
In recent years churches have been in the news a lot concerning issues of sex and sexuality. This week the Beyond Sunday team is adding our voice to the mix as we ask, “What is a meaningful ethic of sex and sexuality for the Church in 2019?” Christianity’s view of sex has morphed throughout history and has routinely been shaped an influenced by the culture in which we live. Sometimes for the better and equally as prevalent to the detriment of many. So how can we move forward as a people who have received the gift of sexuality from God when this gift can be so quickly misused to cause pain in ourselves and others? We will offer our response to the recent decisions approved by the United Methodist Church’s annual conference and we will be in dialogue with the writing of another Lutheran past, Nadia Bolz-Weber.
We hope that this conversation does not act as an ending point but instead helps launch further and more meaningful conversations about the gift of our sexuality.
For one perspective on the United Methodist Church’s decision you can click here.
You can find Nadia Bolz-Weber’s newest book, Shameless: A Sexual Reformation, here.