
At Beyond Sunday we are working to take our faith beyond Sunday mornings.

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Episode 60 - Faith and Culture Series: Part 5 - Immigration and Refugees

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In part 5 of our Faith and Culture Series we’re talking about a class that Pastor David has been leading at Lord of Life: A Christian Response to Immigration and Refugees. In this episode we’ll cover some of the biblical passages that talk about refugees and we’ll give a brief overview of the government’s role and U.S. immigration law. The last session will be happening on November 24 if you live in the Houston area and want to join us in person. Or, gather a group in your community and let this episode start a conversation on these crucial issues for you!

We want to know what you think about this series on “Faith and Culture” so be sure to comment below or e-mail us at beyonsundaypodcast@gmail.com.

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